
Sustainability – Transform to Zero

Pioneer in the field of sustainability

Spirit Design has actively pursued sustainability since its founding in 1993, using EcoDesign and Frugal Innovation principles early on in our design projects. We have networked and discussed solutions with sustainability pioneers and thought leaders. In the early 2000s, we organized a symposium on future trends in design with Designforum Wien and discussed Cradle to Cradle with Michel Braungart, and implemented an exhibition on sustainable mobility with IRRV. We developed a circular economy solution for biogenic waste with the project Eco-In. In 2019, Spirit Design was awarded the SDG Award for its sustainable mobility project Atmove in Brazil.

Selected sustainable customer and research projects as well as startups of Spirit Design, in which we could gain concrete experience with sustainable innovations, can be found here.

Sustainability is THE driver for innovation

Soon 10 billion people and a rising standard of living mean an enormous demand for additional energy and raw materials. The global community has recognized that we need to change our economic system in a sustainable direction because we have already exceeded planetary boundaries in many areas. Climate change is currently the most urgent issue, but there are many other environmental and social challenges as well. With the Paris Climate Agreement, the introduction of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), the political framework of the European Green Deal with ESG (Environmental Social Governance) rules and reporting requirements (CSRD), sustainability has become a gamechanger. It is a new, systemic paradigm that replaces the prevailing linear thinking.

However, sustainability is at the same time a deeply societal issue. To ensure that change happens quickly enough and reaches the reality of people’s lives, companies, citizens and policymakers must work together to manage the transformation, leaving no one behind. Sustainable, systemic innovations will pave the way to a future worth living.

the consulting process for radically sustainable innovation strategies

Sustainability is multi-layered and complex, which requires a systemic way of thinking. Classic strategy and innovation processes are still strongly influenced by the linear economic model. These models sometimes do not take the issue of sustainability into account at all, they also tend to promote incremental solutions and their sustainability contributions are therefore far too small. A systemic analysis is needed to develop a sustainable innovation strategy that brings overall sustainable benefits.

The FFG has supported Spirit Design together with the partner Akaryon – the provider of the ESG Cockpit in the project “Sustainnovation” to develop a new, integrated and systemic consulting process together with different experts and users. The goal of this process is to massively increase the speed and sustainable radicalness of innovation results. This is achieved through a process design that combines awareness raising, sustainability measurement (ESG) and sustainability reporting with the development of a sustainable innovation strategy into an overall process with clear interfaces.

Would you like to learn more about our Sustainnovation consulting services?

Book a System Design Thinking workshop or attend the WIFI Management Academy lecture
and learn how our approach works.

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Sustainability in the network

Sustainability is too multi-faceted a topic to tackle alone. That’s why we at Spirit Design have developed not only the Sustainnovation process, but also an ecosystem of partner companies with whom we can jointly offer a comprehensive solution. Spirit Design is the facilitator for the Sustainnovation process and we integrate specialized companies depending on your individual challenge.

Our modular consulting offering starts with a readiness check and an introduction to the topic of sustainability, followed by sustainability evaluation and reporting to the development of the company’s sustainable innovation strategy. This is how the Transformation to Zero can succeed in the medium term.



Spirit Design – Innovation and Brand GmbH
Wattmanngasse 8
1130 Vienna | Austria
+43 664 1800099