next level consulting

Successfully Leading to Success

next level consulting was founded in 2000 and today looks back on more than 35,000 trained project managers, over 1,300 coached projects and 850 customers worldwide. In the areas of project management, process management and change management, the company is among the leading providers in the German-speaking world.

Moving X-Moments

Spirit Design was commissioned to strategically realign the brand next level consulting and, based on this, to develop branding and customer communication. First off, Spirit Design defined the brand essence and target industries; from here we derived the market positioning and a communication concept.

Next Level Event People X-Moment

Concise Language – Clear Message

Based on the strategic groundwork, Spirit Design completely redesigned the entire branding, which included the logo, slogan, print materials, campaign and website. The imagery emulates sports motifs, using topics such as motivation, team spirit, performance and personal sense of achievement in an emotionally compelling way. The logo uses a sparkling blue ‘X’ as an eye-catcher, which represents power and success, the two most important elements of the brand’s essence.

The corporate language was also improved and adapted to the brand’s essence and the needs of target groups. The wording now appears clearer and more professional; intelligibility as well as conciseness were increased. The slogan ‘Experience X-Moments’ refers to the personal enrichment and the experience of decisive moments of success that customers of next level consulting experience.

Next Level logo

New Strength for the Brand

next level consulting’s new branding now looks more dynamic and contemporary. The strong market position of the Vienna-based company now fully comes into its own; the brand expresses the core elements of energy and success on an emotional level.

The annual training program has been visually upgraded. The course overview was restructured and made clearer. In several photo shoots, the coaches were portrayed and workshop situations were documented.

This brand-compliant imagery was applied to all brochures, giving Next Level a professional and personal touch. In addition to event invitations and advertisements, web banner animations were created.


Spirit Design – Innovation and Brand GmbH
Wattmanngasse 8
1130 Vienna | Austria
+43 664 1800099