
Thinking about sustainable living and mobility

A research project becomes MO.Point

Nowadays, one’s place of residence and personal mobility behavior cannot be considered separately. More so, many people simply don’t want to own a vehicle anymore, but to share it – a trend, which has developed into a new philosophy regarding sustainable mobility. But even then, new mobility concepts are not properly considered in the planning of residential areas.

This presented Spirit Design, working with the planning office raum & kommunikation, with a great opportunity for forward-looking thinking. The joint research project Wohnen und Mobilität (Living and Mobility) identified relevant interfaces, differentiated user groups according to their individual habits, and derived criteria for the usage of innovative mobility products in residential areas. User benefits were identified in focus groups and interviews, and subsequently, concrete measures were defined, reviewed and evaluated.

This innovative groundwork laid the foundation for MO.Point – a start-up that offers low-emission e-mobility sharing services. MO.Point is unique as it offers a wide-range of different shared vehicles such as e-bikes, electric cars, e-scooters and e-cargo bikes, which can be used by inhabitants and residents for both personal and professional purposes. In addition, this means that this complementary mobility offering can lower the number of obligatory parking spaces, which in turn reduces construction costs. It isn’t just the city and its inhabitants which stand to benefit, but also property developers and MO.Point’s project developers. All this creates added value for real estate developments and leads to a better quality of life in cities and communities – all in a sustainable manner.

Winner VCÖ Mobilitätspreis

We won! Excellent work

Spirit Design is a minority shareholder in MO.Point, a joint project which already bears fruit: in 2016, its first year of existence, MO.Point beat out 300 competitors to win the VCÖ Mobility Award, Austria’s biggest competition rewarding sustainable mobility.

MoPoint cargo bike

Brand Design

MoPoint Logo white-blue

The image of an innovative brand

The MO.Point brand presents itself just like its forward-thinking concept: modern, independent and memorable. MO.Point’s movement and dynamism are signified by circular design elements.

Style elements clearly structure complex information and thereby allow it to be understood more easily. And lastly, the clear, fresh and vivid color scheme convinces throughout all the communication touchpoints – from the shop interiors to the vehicle branding and MO.Point’s online presence.

MoPoint Logo
MoPoint colors
MoPoint still elemente
MoPoint image photo
MoPoint Website Laptop
MoPoint Website

Developing the web presence was especially important. Website visitors can find information on MO.Point’s WordPress site in an intuitive manner. And on the integrated booking platform, new users are able to register in a few, simple steps as well as conveniently rent and pay for shared vehicles. This great usability can be witnessed on desktops and mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets.

Product Branding

Flexibility has arrived – Moving forward with great spirit

In June 2016, the first Mobility Point station was introduced in Vienna’s 23rd district at Perfektastraße 58. Residents living in and around the apartment complex built by the Österreichisches Siedlungswerk (ÖSW), can take advantage of environmentally friendly vehicles such as e-bikes, e-vehicles and e-cargo bikes.

The Mobility Point is situated within the complex, can be easily located due to appropriately placed pylons and signage, and available 24 hours a day. It is an ideal starting point for the effectively branded shared vehicles to spread our message of sustainability: more space and individual flexibility for people, lesser transportation costs and lower emissions.

Further to the Perfektastraße station, MO.Point offers two e-cargo bike station in the 2nd and 5th district. More locations in Vienna, Salzburg and other Austrian cities, as well as in Germany, are in the planning stages.

MoPoint Markenarchitektur
MoPoint Branding Fahrrad
MoPoint woman and bike
MoPoint branding
MoPoint charging


Spirit Design – Innovation and Brand GmbH
Wattmanngasse 8
1130 Vienna | Austria
+43 664 1800099