
Valuable through Innovation

Zurich-based Helbling Group is an international leader in technological innovation and business consulting. Founded in 1963 with locations in Switzerland, Germany, the USA and China, the company of more than 475 employees unites Helbling Technik, Helbling IT Solutions, Helbling Business Advisors and Helbling Consulting + Planning AG under a single roof.

Helbling Technik commissioned Spirit Design to take on several projects of the corporate group. Based on a well-founded “Design of Vision” process, we have defined the brand elements and implemented various print, online and event applications.

Design of Vision

A matter of heart, soul and actions

As a strategic design partner, Spirit Design accompanied the brand and communication development of Helbling Technik. Together we have redefined and positioned the brand with an appropriate brand story and a streamlined core message.

Ranging from means of advertising, online presence, and the newsletter to printed products, the fresher and redesigned brand presence clearly conveys the values of Helbling Technik. It applies innovative communication tools to make the competence of Helbling Technik emotionally comprehensible for each target group. This creates a unified overall experience at all contact points.

Innovation. Together we do it.

The corporate area presents itself as an innovation partner to clients. Helbling Technik has the brightest minds in its team. It is these experts who bring innovation to life not only because of their expertise and know-how but also because of their commitment to put their hearts and souls into the job. Developed with a loving eye for detail, their solutions are able to master complex technological challenges and captivate people at the same time.

This consistent and strong brand presence includes all products and services. This is how we improve both the appeal and position of the entire brand, strengthen its identity, and promote identification.

Brand Elements

The brightest minds

We have analyzed the existing brand presence and developed it further to be fit for the future. In this process, we kept the well-established logo and font to ensure continuity. The revised brand color blue creates friendliness and clarity as well as the additionally introduced dynamic character. This is even more intensified by the logo’s generous amount of white space and its premium yet open look.

The human factor as key

Employee portraits have been an integral element of the Helbling Group’s presence for decades. They emphasize the importance and high value of each individual to the company. We have not taken this for granted and developed this unique approach even further.

In keeping with the times, the employees do not present themselves only in black and white anymore. They are portrayed in their actual environment which makes them appear friendlier and less distanced.

Authentic design language

The visual style has been redefined to create a consistent design language. It shows the Helbling experts in their professional environment – in personal, real and authentic atmosphere. The new style is high in contrast, sharp and vivid without being colorful. It is reduced to the essential to convey clarity and ensure a precise and focused presentation of performance. Both the visual language and the portrayed employees stand for self-confidence and convey openness, partnership, determination, and dynamic character.

We accompanied several shootings at various locations in Switzerland. They were not only used to stage the employees, their performance and approach to work but also to create visual material for an image brochure of Helbling Technik.


Basis for a consistent brochure approach

The new image brochure is the central element of the revised brand presence. It has been developed based on the results of the “Design of Vision” process and further considerations in terms of brand and innovation strategy. The new brochure presents stakeholders with the values and competence of Helbling Technik in a professional and appealing way. Moreover, it is clear and emotionalizing in communicating an added performance value. This is how the image brochure perfectly contributes to the brand’s position: it improves the appeal and position of the entire brand, strengthens its identity, and promotes identification.

Helbling Schwerpunktbroschüre

Sales brochure – analog and digital

We illuminated the needs of Helbing’s customers in several workshops and developed corresponding personas. These served as the basis for the sales brochure, in which we were able to elaborate their questions and how they can be answered by Helbing Technik’s methods and services.

The content was also prepared as a presentation, online text version and landing page.

Focus brochures – Innovation with responsibility

Some of the most important current trends are Sustainability, Smart Mobility, Scientific Informatics and Personalized Medicine. Used correctly and responsibly, these trends will help improve the lives of people on planet Earth.

Helbling Technik is already making its contribution and plans to expand its range of services in these areas. Together, we developed three focus brochures that address these issues and highlight Helbing Technik’s services in the areas and highlight challenges and their solutions.

Helbling Schwerpunktbroschüren

Brand Communication

Print publications as image carriers

In the field of print publication, further implementation projects included the business report, advertisements and invitations. All of them are fundamental communication tools and image carriers of the Helbling Group.

50 Years Helbing

We joined our client in celebrating Helbling’s 50th anniversary at the Hallenstadion in Zurich. The anniversary gala with renowned speakers from the executive floors of clients like Nespresso, Siemens etc. was a truly wonderful celebration. The new brand presence was presented for the first time and the top act “Status Quo” was a perfect fit for the company: for 50 years, Helbling has been challenging the status quo in line with its corporate mission statement “Valuable through Innovation”. We designed the invitations, CD covers, gala booklets, and the anniversary brochure.


Digital Brand Experience

For now, the new brand presence of Helbling has only been visually implemented on the company’s website. Although its contents have not been changed yet, further revision stages based on our recommendations are currently in the process of planning and include the site’s look and feel as well as its usability and intuitive operation.

Exhibition Booth

Helbling Messestand System

Consistent presentation

We have developed a systematic and modular setup of all corporate Group areas to ensure an appropriate marketing-oriented presentation of Helbling. This setup is realized based on occasion.


The Spirit’s Walk

The image film has been realized following the implementation of the brand elements and other applications. After a joint review of the strategic targets and coordinating the look & feel with Helbling Technik, we succeeded in bringing the perfect partner on board, namely Querschuss Film. 

The aim was to offer potential clients a good and compact overview of Helbing Technik and its scope of activities, as well as to make the innovative spirit lived and embodied within the company visible and tangible to outsiders. An additional objective was to include all four company sites in the film, and optimally involve employees.

In the film, the personified “spirit” of the company goes on an informative and entertaining tour of the entire firm. He presents important information about the company history, areas of activity and project workflows while interacting not only with employees and colleagues, but also with the 3D animations integrated in the film, amongst other. One thing in particular is always perceptible during the entire tour: the spirit of innovation.

A direct mailing was also designed to present the film.

The film won a “Golden Victoria” on May 19, 2016 on the occasion of the 27th International Business Film Festival.

Image rights: Österreichisches Filmservice/APA-Fotoservice/Preis, Spirit Design

Industry clips

90 Seconds of innovation

In the short films, the creativity and innovative power of Helbling Technik is made tangible and tangible. The focus is now on the sectors. In each case, the focus is on services and a brief outlook on the future of the industry. Of course, the films were again produced with Querschuss Film as a partner.


Spirit Design – Innovation and Brand GmbH
Wattmanngasse 8
1130 Vienna | Austria
+43 664 1800099